Dual Enrollment Courses

The Dual Enrollment Program allows students to enroll in college credit courses and receive high school credit as well as college credit for that coursework.  If you wish to enroll in any of the dual enrollment courses for college credit, your teacher will hand out the necessary paperwork at the beginning of the school year during that class.  They will guide you through this process and it is very important that you listen to their instructions, take the paperwork home to be completed with your parents/guardians, and return it by the due date.  
Additional information for the 2023-2024 school year:
Spring Cove School District was awarded $75,000.00 for 2023-2024 through the Dual Enrollment Grant from the PA Department of Education.  Our grant includes $70,875 to pay student tuition to the universities next year and $4,125 to offset the cost of additional textbooks/resources that may be needed due to higher course enrollment.  Although this is just a one-time award, we are very excited for our CHS students who will have the opportunity to benefit from the free college/university credits which they can earn through this grant for the 2023-2024 school year.  Further information can be found on the PDE website:  https://www.education.pa.gov/Policy-Funding/SchoolGrants/Pages/DualCreditProgramGrants.aspx.
For a transcript of your Dual Enrollment course grades, please contact the Registrar's Office of the college awarding the credit.